Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Dear 2016...

Dear 2016,

Hi there! You came around rather quickly. It's a little strange seeing you, after envisioning what you'd be like all year. You've brought a lot of things with you, this year: the start of uni, an increase of independence and a stronger desire to travel. We're 21 days into your visit now and I already see how different you'll be from 2015. I'm trying to work out which emotion is the dominating one. Fear? Nervousness? Happiness? Excitement? There is only one way to find out. 

This year I plan on waking up early. Not only because I've discovered that it might just be the coolest time of day at 6am (boy does it get hot these days in the land down under), but because I find I get a lot more done when I allow myself more hours in a day. Funny that.

This year I plan on working out more. Yeah I know, we all say it don't we. Well, I've actually managed to wake up at a reasonable time and do exactly this for 1 and a half weeks in a row now. Thank you Casey Ho. I both love and hate you.

This year I plan on eating clean. It's so easy to just munch on those biscuits, those tim tams or those noodles when I'm hungry, but those things don't sustain you. I want to fuel my body with better foods this year.

This year I plan on saying yes. Laziness will not get the better of me. 

This year I plan on doing more. When reviewing my accomplishments of last year, I was left a little sad. This year I'm going to plan out my goals, and actually make steps towards achieving them.

This year I plan on travelling. Wanderlust. It's not only a beautiful word, but both a depressing and wonderful emotion, depending on the status of your bank balance. Right now, mine may be a little empty from my wild habits (and by wild habits I mean eating and watching movies...I dont live that much of an extravagant life). I want to see more of the world, whether that be in other continents or within my own country. Heck, my own state or city!

This year, I plan on it being great. Don't disappoint me 2016.

Let us know of some of your resolutions, or even some places on your bucklist!

Until next time,


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